What happens now?
Since no one has ever done that here before, this situation is for you to tell others about.
What is it? What will you find here? Where does it lead?
That's for you and only you to decide.
Write what you would like others to experience when they try to do what you just did.
Ask yourself: what should happen when an adventurer does [ %action ] here?
- - Use ENTER to insert line breaks
- - Insert two line breaks when you're done telling
- - The first line you write will be the title
- - If you write only one line, this shall not be a place, but a dead end.
- - Add props by saying "There is 1 something" or "There are X somethings" on a new line
- - Inflict damage or heal the player by saying "You gain X healthpoints" or "You lose X healthpoints"
- - Don't forget to supply an environment by adding (Environment) after your title, for example: "My place (Forest)". Available environments are:
(Forest), (Plain), (Sand), (Mountain), (Sea), (Snow), (Town), (Cave), (Fire)
- Give this place a new name (and it will become an entirely new place that the user will be teleported to)
- Or name it exactly like the place you used the object in, and the user will not be moved - they will remain at the same location, but the place will be in a different state
- - BRIEF: Describes your current location.
- - SOUTH, NORTH, EAST, WEST: Moves you around to another location from where you currently are.
- - TAKE <object>: Takes an object and adds it to your inventory.
- - LOSE <object>: Removes an object from your inventory and puts it back where you took it.
- - USE <object>: Uses an object at your current location.
- - INVENTORY: Tells you what objects you currently have.
- - STATUS: Tells you how you currently feel.
- - MAP: Draw a map of your surroundings, as you've explored them
- - REGIONS: List the available regions to explore
- - WARP <region>: Teleport you to another region
- - CLEAR: Clears the console.
- - CREDITS: Prints the credits.
- - HELP: Prints this message.
You focus your ADVNTURER power to transport yourself into another region. The Great Wind rises and lifts you off the ground, carrying you beyond the horizon.
When you open your eyes, you are in %dimension.
- - LOUVE <RACKOVER> HURLANTE: Game design & development
- - ARCHI <ROGGAH> KAZOO: Moderation
- - MANUELA <LUNEMAA>: Cuddles & food
Thanks to everyone who contributed to ADVNTURE!
I don't have your names, but I appreciate each of your contributions.
louve@louve.systems - 2019
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------------ Welcome to LouveSystems' ADVNTURE! ------------
ADVNTURE is a game of free exploration and creation.
It has no restriction and is only made of what you, and other players, decide to pour into it.
Enjoy your stay on ADVNTURE - and by all means, expand it in all directions. Any place you reach first is yours to describe!
Do not worry about your language skills, for the vast majority of people aren't native speakers!
The world is yours - Make it your haven!
Type HELP to get a list of commands.
Type BRIEF to know where you are.
You fainted!
Exhausted by your journey, you feel your limbs become numb and you decide to shut your eyes for a moment. When you regain consciousness, you find yourself in the %starting_page_name, stripped from all your belongings.